Your Trusted Air and Hydronic Balancing Specialists


Air Balancing

Air balancing is the process of testing, adjusting and balancing HVAC systems so they operate to the mechanical engineer's design values. Each piece of HVAC equipment and associated outlets are individually balanced to ensure that they deliver the design airflow specified on the mechanical drawings. Once each HVAC system is balanced to the correct airflows, this will ensure that each area of the project has adequate ventilation so the systems can heat and cool these areas properly and provide sufficient outside air for the occupants. Also, there are exhaust systems that remove air from certain project areas like washrooms, general exhaust, laboratory exhaust, vehicle exhaust, etc.. these systems are also measured to ensure proper ventilation. Lastly when all the HVAC systems are completed and the building pressure is as per the mechanical engineer's design the balancing process is complete.
The benefits of having HVAC equipment balanced are:
Keeps operating costs down
Equipment life is extended
Reduces energy consumption
Provides a comfortable and safe work environment
Improves indoor air quality

Hydronic Balancing (Water Balancing)

Hydronic balancing is the process of testing, adjusting and balancing the mechanical systems so they operate to the mechanical engineer's design flow rates. These systems are fluid systems that provide heating and cooling and domestic water to certain areas of a building, this is achieved by circulating the fluid through the mechanical system. Each piece of mechanical equipment and all its associated terminals are balanced to ensure they are delivering the proper flow rate specified on the mechanical drawings. Once each heating, cooling, and domestic water system is balanced, this will ensure that each area of the project has proper flow so those areas can be heated or cooled properly. Lastly, once all the systems have been balanced and the equipment is operating as per the mechanical engineer's design the balancing process is complete.
The benefits of having mechanical equipment balanced are:
Equipment is operating efficiently
Heat transfer of all equipment if optimized
Reduces energy consumption
Comfortable work environment
Improves indoor air quality

Indoor Air Quality

Due to the vast types of indoor air quality tests, a conciliation is required first to determine which type of indoor air quality testing is required. Please contact our office to schedule a consultation.
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